Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why didn't this occur to me earlier ...

Dear loyal blog-readers, it has ben a while.

I recognize that I am not the most consistent blogger, and I often come up with excuses for not being a better blogger like "well I spent all day at a computer" or "nothing interesting ever happens" or the best "it is all IT's fault. If they didn't lock my BB then I could blog from the road.". Well, it just occured to me ... I can blog from the road. I don't need "the blogger app", I just need google, which I have on my BB. And so I write my fisrt blog from ... Poolside!

Yes. I have a pool. And. It is awesome.

Next step ... Figure out how to upload photos from BB in order to flaunt pool shots to blog-readers, to emphasize why they should be jealous.


  1. A gifted writer such as yourself, I suppose, would have little need of photographs! The reason I campaigned so hard for this blog is that it's a veritable Valhalla of verbal imagery!

  2. Still not jealous! Where are the pix??
