Sunday, March 28, 2010

Burberry Eat Your Heart Out

With my hair nicely trimmed, I realized that I was starting to look a little less Jennifer Aniston circa 2002 and a little more Emma Watson Burberry 2010. Of course, it really does me no good whatsoever going around comparing myself to stunning 17 year olds, but I was surprised by the similarities in our dos. Now although we are both rocking the same hair colour and roots, of course Emma's steamy brown eyes, team of photgraphers and stylists somewhat out-does my home-based version.

Eric also pointed out that I should have had a fan! And I'm sure an actual Burberry outfit probably would have helped. Next time, I'll try for a little more pout in my smile....

And yes ... this means I have far too much time on my hands!!!


  1. I found an Eric lookalike!
    You two are the new Branjelina!

  2. Hey, Care - you've got two fans here!
    Love, Mom and Dad xx

  3. Chris - clearly Eric is more of a Hugh Jackman and less of a Justin Timberlake; haven't you seen his wolverine look!?!?
